Do you want Fresh Bright Teeth

Do you want Fresh Bright Teeth

New technology is transforming all areas of the way we live and dentistry is no exception. The innovative air flow polishing technique uses a machine that cleans and polishes the teeth with a mix of water, compressed air and fine powder particles. This method is far superior to traditional cleaning methods that use scraping tools, rubber cups and polishing discs and which can be time-consuming and uncomfortable.

A powerful yet controlled jet of water, air and fine powder not only polishes all the surfaces of a tooth, removing plaque, discoloration and soft deposits, but also reaches deep into periodontal pockets up to a depth of 5 mm. It is far more efficient than traditional scrape and polish treatment at removing the damaging biofilm that develops when dental plaque is colonized by bacteria and can cause periodontitis and peri-implantitis to develop. Even deeper, subgingival air polishing can be carried out using a PERIO-FLOW® extension nozzle and air flow polishing is completely safe to use with dental implants, veneers, crowns and bridges.

Improved patient comfort anyone who has ever cringed as a scraping tool digs into their gums or a polishing disc presses onto tooth enamel will welcome air polishing for its painless, fast and non-invasive method of cleaning. Even deep pockets and interproximal areas are easily reached without uncomfortable and potentially damaging probing by curettes and scrapers and with no instrument contact, the technique does not generate any heat or vibration. The non-toxic powder used in air polishing is also more pleasant and less gritty than the heavy paste used in traditional polishing. Air polishing powders with added flavors, such as spearmint, have even been developed for use in machines, making the experience even more pleasant.

Reduces teeth sensitivity

Air flow polishing is ideal for those who suffer from sensitive teeth. This is not only due to the lack of direct contact and the absence of heat and vibration, but because the tiny micro particles of powder can actually fill any exposed dentine tubules and reduce dental sensitivity. Air flow polishing can also encourage the re-mineralization of damaged teeth.

Faster cleaning studies have shown that air polishing is over three times faster at removing stains and plaque than traditional methods. This means less time in the chair for the patient and therefore fewer interruptions. Teeth are cleaned in a much less abrasive manner than scraping and polishing which also causes less damage to the teeth. Any small areas of decay are gently blasted away without the need to drill into the healthy structure of the tooth.

Ideal for use before orthodontic treatment

Air polishing is an ideal way of cleaning before procedures that require bonding and the use of sealants as it removes nearly 100 percent of bacteria and endotoxins. Not only that, but traditional polishing pastes contain glycerine that can interfere with bonding procedures. The air, water and powder used in air flow polishing contain no glycerine and make it easier for bonds and sealants to grip to the surfaces of the teeth.

Air flow polishing is the ideal way to remove the stains and discoloration caused by smoking or by drinking red wine, tea and coffee as it whitens teeth while thoroughly removing dental plaque.